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Marlon Brando's Protest

In 1973, Marlon Brando won the 'Best Actor' Academy Award for his role as 'Don Corleone' in The Godfather. However, he refused to accept the Oscars and instead sent Apache actress Sacheen Littlefeather to deliver a speech on his behalf. When she approaches the podium, she turned down the Oscar statuette being offered to her by presenter Roger Moore. Littlefeather used the opportunity to speak out about the siege at Wounded Knee that began a month prior and the film industry's treatment of Native Americans. She faced a mixed reaction from the audience, with some people booing and others cheering her on. Littlefeather was allegedly told to keep her speech under 60 seconds or risk being arrested. Decades later, in June 2022, the Academy issued an apology to Littlefeather, acknowledging the emotional burden and career cost she endured for speaking out. The apology expressed deep regret for the unjustified abuse she faced, and praised her courage and strength.

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