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$180K Swag Bags

Now Showing: 'Distinctive Assets' founder Lash Fary

This year the Gift Bag, a staple at the Oscars ceremony, was valued at $180K. More modest bags were originally given out by the Academy to performers and presenters from 2001 to 2006. After a settlement with the IRS forced the organization to pay back taxes on previous 'swag bags,' the tradition ended and Distinctive Assets, a third-party marketing company took over elevating the perk to another level. The contents of the 'Everyone Wins' bags differ but often include luxurious vacations, exclusive spa services, and expensive skin care products from companies investing in celebrities and their market influence. In 2016, the Academy filed a lawsuit against Distinctive Assets for trademark infringement and damage to their reputation due to controversial items like marijuana vape pens and sex toys included in the bags. After reaching a settlement, one of the agreed upon terms was that the promo company can't use the Academy's trademark and must provide a disclaimer stating that there is no connection between the two organizations.

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