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Sir Elton John's Steinway Grand Piano, used exclusively in his concerts from 1974-1993, was auctioned off by Heritage Auctions in 2021. It sold for $915,000 to Jim Irsay, the owner of the Indianapolis Colts. Elton added a bonus to the piece by signing the gilded cast-iron frame with the message 'Enjoy this as much as I have.' The piano was featured in famous performances, including his 1974 concert at Dodger Stadium and his 1985 performance at Live Aid. Freddie Mercury had also used it during Queen's 'A Day at the Races' tour. Peter Hince, Queen's road manager at the time, contacted John to let him know that Mercury had been frustrated with the 'endless buffet of mediocre pianos' that showed up on the road and asked to borrow John's for the '77 tour. 

Elton's Grand Piano

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