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The white 'birdcage' piano Elton John purchased in the early 1960s was built in England in 1910 and is named after its damper wires. It is believed that he composed over 100 songs on it, including 'Your Song,' 'Tiny Dancer,' 'Mad Man Across the Water,' 'Bad Side of the Moon,' and 'Levon.' The same piano, pictured on the back of the American version of the 'Empty Sky' album and previously displayed in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, was recently donated to the Cantos Music Foundation instrument collection in Calgary. An anonymous donor purchased The piano at a public auction in Texas on April 17, 2004, for $225,000 CAN ($164,500 US).

'Birdcage' Piano

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Uzeem Curators





Calgary, CA

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