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Curate With US

Help Us Tell The Truth Behind The Stories That Our Visitors Want To Hear.

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With so much access to information, it can be challenging to determine what is trustworthy.

Our commitment is to be a reliable source that people can count onWe believe in preserving factual information that constitutes the essence of various cultures worldwide for future generations to create a lasting legacy.  

Create Excitement And Drive Engagement.

The Curators' Team at Uzeem constantly searches for historical topics and events to turn into zeems for visitors to enjoy exploring. Telling stories that significantly impact history requires focus, dedication, and enthusiasm. We welcome impartial narrators who value truth, transparency, and objectivity and are interested in various topics, including history, fashion, pop culture,  politics, sports, and more. 


Sign Up

Sign up as a member to access the Dashboard and view details about the next steps. 

You must review and sign the NDA before signing up



Get a clear overview of your task as a potential Curator by navigating the tabs in your Dashboard.



If you believe you are a good fit after training, go ahead and send us your complete profile.



During your trial for the role, you will need to submit three items for our review. This will help us determine if you have the necessary understanding to become a Uzeem curator.

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